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- Kims Story
Kim's story: “Knowing Tamara is on my team gives me peace of mind."

Kim Van Gestel was diagnosed with breast cancer after feeling a lump in her breast.
After what she says felt like forever, a barrage of tests including a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy confirmed the worst.
“It just hit me in the face. There was no breast cancer in my family. The fear was terrible.”
- Kim
“I had no knowledge of breast cancer. I remember just looking at my specialist reports and googling everything. And of course, when you look online, you’re often reading the worst of the worst.”
Shortly after her diagnosis, Kim met her McGrath Cancer Care Nurse Tamara Fernandez. Tamara has supported Kim and her partner Kathryn throughout treatment, which has included chemotherapy and several surgeries.
“Tamara is so knowledgeable,” says Kim. “She’s definitely stopped me from googling things! Any questions I have, she’s able to liaise with the medical staff and specialist, have the answers and give me peace of mind.
“And the beautiful thing is, that she’s been available for my partner too. We have Tamara’s number on our fridge, and she knows that if she has any questions that Tamara is the go-to person.”

“Cancer is such a lonely process”
- Kim
Kim says she couldn’t have imagined going through cancer without the support of someone like Tamara.
“I can’t express how much Tamara means to me. I couldn’t imagine not have a McGrath nurse there.
“Cancer is such a lonely process. For that loneliness to continue... I just can’t comprehend it. Without that support it would be a much more difficult process to confront and go through.”